wtorek, 12 lipca 2011


It feels like ages since I develop my main OC Wilbur which is like my best imaginary friend.  I never knew how he exactly looked. What was his hair color or what clothes did he wear. Sometimes he had blue hair, sometimes white. I guess it all depended on my mood. From time of his creation I knew he will be with me all the time, whenever I go, he'll go with me, make me laugh, and do crazy pranks to people I dislike.
 It was my perfect way to deal with various of problems. 
And now, I'm 20 years old, he's still a kid. I Hope he'll never grow up. So i can always remember how was it when i was kid, when my passion started to grow. What did I felt.
All those feelings which i gained through these years with him, are closed within Wilbur.    
So i can sleep with safe mind, that they'll never fly away.
Thats Why i called Nunki-bu a Wilbur's circus. I guess everything has a meaning.
This is my first notebook-sticker project. There's another one i need to finish. They take quite a long time to finish.

Hope you enjoy it

piątek, 1 lipca 2011

Cause it's Nunki-Bu!

Nunki it's ( from Wikipedia :D ) "Sigma Sagittarii (σ Sgr, σ Sagittarii) is the second brightest star system in the constellation Sagittarius. "

So You can tell why theme of this blog is Stars and night. I just find stars so beautiful, and mysterious. There's a lot of things we don't know outside our world. There's no boundaries - just like in drawing and creation.
Art itself.

On this blog, I'll present various of projects which involves my oryginal characters.
